Thursday, February 24, 2011

the science of multitasking

when i was an insurance agent i was praised on my ability to multitask extremely well. now as a mom and house'wife,' i am learning i still have quiet a knack. with c happily following a loose routine of playtime, feedings, and naps i find that, where i was first feeling i would never get things done, i am able to bust out my chores quiet well. of course not every day pans out the same, but i do my best to complete a few things just the same.

yesterday i talked to e while he was at work and mentioned how cranky and needy our child had been all day. he's in full growth spurt swing and was resisting being put down in between his frequent feedings and the three naps he took. when e came home he walked around the whole house, stopped and said 'i thought you said he was really needy and fussy today? this house looks immaculate! how did you do it?' it felt so so good to hear him say that and i had to stop and think for a moment... how did i do it?? cleaning and playing and nap times and feedings are becoming so second nature to me that i don't even notice that my free time is spent tidying and cleaning. i even clean one handed with baby wrapped happily in my other arm and on those days when he's demanding i be close to him, the moby wrap has been a saint to allow me to strap him to me while i go about things like folding laundry (c really likes this chore as i face him out and show him how i do each piece of clothing). being that i do not have 'work goals' any longer, i find that my daily goals are varied but just as satisfying upon completion. hey, we should remember to take any and all satisfaction we can get out of life! even the small mountains we climb are accomplishments to smile about.

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