Thursday, January 13, 2011

a season to grow

yesterday was another typical maine winter day. we ended it with over a foot of snow blanketing our little coastal town, never a surprise to true mainers. waking this morning with the gorgeous white decor outside of the bedroom window leaves me wanting to snuggle in bed a while longer. the babe is fed and dozing back in his bassinet and i have netflix on my computer which may mean instant-viewing some movies and taking advantage of the quiet. the sound of a little boy's breathing is so soothing while i sit here, and the sound of his laughter bubbling up from dreams untold is nothing short of magical. he's quite a vocal sleeper as of late. he dreams quite actively, with smiles and frowns, laughs and whimpers. occasionally he throws his arms in the air and wiggles about. but at the moment, peaceful snoozing.

the most recent thing i've come to laugh about, if only to myself, is my mental proclamation of love for my child. the more interactive he becomes, the more excited i get and the more i feel the need to say in my head 'wow, i love this little boy more than anything!' it seems a wee bit silly at times, having to make such statements to only myself about my son, but i continue to do it for no other reason than how good it feels to know and acknowledge it. he is but a wonder, as all children are, and he infinitely amazes me with his growth both physically and mentally. to think that this wee babe will grow up to be, for lack of a more P.C. term, a person is at times slightly mind blowing. i am in no hurry for this great feat, but it's still curious to think of him as a man with a family of his own someday. oh, how it puzzles the mind that things so small grow up to do things so big. i hope my own sweet little c takes his time and enjoys being a child while he's still a child. sometimes i find it disheartening how quickly children of our time are growing up beyond their years. i want my own to take advantage of his fleeting youth and suck every drop of it's delicious splendor dry. as i did of my childhood, i only wish that for him.

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